Mo-DEC Bylaws

Article I- Mission and Purpose


To advocate for policies and procedures that enhance and improve the educational outcomes of Missouri developmental education students


Mo-DEC will work towards achieving its mission by:

  • Sharing knowledge of best practices and how to implement them
  • Providing a forum for the discussion of current issues in developmental education
  • Serving as a liaison between developmental education stakeholders

Article II- Organizational Structure and Membership

The membership of Mo-DEC will be comprised of two groups, General Assembly and Council.

The Mo-DEC General Assembly shall be open to anyone interested in developmental education. General Assembly meetings and the MoDEC listserv are open to all.

The Mo-DEC Council is made up of a voting representative from each of the following postsecondary institutions.

  • Crowder Community College
  • East Central College
  • Jefferson College
  • Metropolitan Community College
  • Mineral Area College
  • Missouri State University (West Plains)
  • Moberly Area Community College
  • North Central Missouri College
  • Ozarks Technical College
  • St. Charles Community College
  • St. Louis Community College
  • State Fair Community College
  • State Technical College
  • Three Rivers Community College

Article III- Meetings

The Mo-DEC General Assembly shall have a minimum of two meetings per year. The Fall meeting will be held in the month of November. The Spring meeting will be held in the month of April.

The Mo-DEC Council shall have a minimum of four meetings per year. The Fall meetings will be held in the months of September and November. The Spring meetings will be held in the months of February and April.

The Agendas for the Mo-DEC General Assembly meetings are set at the preceding Council meeting.

Additional meetings of the Mo-DEC General Assembly or the Mo-DEC Council may be held.

The Mo-DEC Council at its Spring April meeting shall set meeting dates for the coming year.

Article IV- Mo-DEC Council

Each of the member institutions listed in Article II above shall have on representative on the Mo-DEC Council. Each institution selects its own representative. In cases, where the institution fails to determine its representative, an application process will be followed with Mo-DEC leadership determining representation of the respective institution. Each representative shall have one vote in election matters at the Council level.

Council representatives will provide a 30 day notice in writing of intent to vacate the position.

The Council shall also have a Secretary who is a non-voting member. The Secretary serves a one year term from September through April and is an employee of a member institution. The Mo-DEC council may solicit volunteers from the General Assembly to serve as Secretary.

The Council shall have a Media Specialist whose main responsibility is to maintain the Mo-DEC website. It is preferable, though not mandatory, that the Media Specialist serve as a Council member. If the Media Specialist is not a Council Member, the Media Specialist shall have no voting rights. The Media Specialist serves a two-year term.

The Council shall have a Professional Development Coordinator whose main responsibility is to recruit speakers and/or presenters for each General Assembly meeting. These speakers should be discussed with the Council, and Council members are encouraged to recommend speakers to the Coordinator. Additionally, the Coordinator is encouraged to disseminate materials to Council members that may be used to promote General Assembly meetings. It is preferable, though not mandatory, that the Professional Development Coordinator serve as a Council member. If the Professional Development Coordinator is not a Council member, the Professional Development Coordinator shall have no voting rights. The Professional Development Coordinator serves a two-year term.

The Council shall also elect for one-year terms each a Chair and a Chair-Elect.

The Chair’s responsibilities include finalizing and distributing meeting agendas, running both the General Assembly and Council meetings, calling any necessary elections and determining if a quorum exists for voting matters. The Chair, along with the Chair-Elect, when invited, will attend meetings when Mo-DEC representation is limited to one or two person(s).

The Chair-Elect will serve as the Chair in the Chair’s absence.

At the Mo-DEC Council April meeting, the Council shall take nominations for and elect the Chair-Elect. Nominees may be asked to speak at the Council meeting. At the end of that April meeting, the former Chair-Elect is now the Chair for the coming year.

In the event the Mo-DEC Council Chair cannot fulfill the term, it is preferable that the Council be notified at a Council meeting. The Chair-Elect will than serve as the Chair for an interim period; however, an election is held each April for the Chair-Elect position.

The Mo-DEC Council may choose to assess dues when necessary.

Process for Replacing Council Members

Article V- Voting and Amendments

Mo-DEC Council members will serve as voting members.

A quorum is defined as a minimum of 50% of Mo-DEC Council members present. Members may be present in person or via electronic feed.

Motions and elections will be approved via simple majority. Voting will take place via a show of hands.  A secret ballot may be requested for a vote on any motion or election.

Proposals may be presented to the General Assembly via the bi-annual meeting or through the listserv allowing feedback prior to a Council vote.

Any person(s) from the General Assembly may request a meeting with the Mo-DEC Council prior to a vote. Requests may be made through any Mo-DEC Council member and must be made a minimum of 7 days prior to the Mo-DEC Council meeting.

Voting may be conducted at the Council meeting or electronically.

Mo-DEC Council will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.

Motions will be discussed in Council ( via meeting or electronically). Motions may be presented to the General Assembly for discussion (via meeting or listserv). Mo-DEC Chair will set vote date and mode.

Article VI- Ad Hoc Committees

Recommendation for an ad hoc committee may come through any Mo-DEC Council member. Mo-DEC Chair will establish Ad Hoc Committees as needed.